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Acting As If

As part of the Primary Pattern of RCD, the participants commit to trying their best to see the disagreement from the perspective of their opponent and discourse with, or as if they have, a sincere willingness to adopt the opposing point of view if they become convinced it reflects a clearer understanding of the topic.  RCD is not merely a theoretical endeavor, it is not merely research, it is not merely fulfillment of curiosity.  During the RCD session, the participants are actively, fully, engaged in trying to adopt the opposing point of view.  Or, if they know they are forbidden from, or unable to, adopt the opposing point of view, they agree to act as if they are actively, fully, engaged in trying to adopt the opposing point of view. Whether or not a participant is ‘acting as if’ during the session is strictly a private decision of that participant, the disclosure of which is at the complete discretion of that participant.

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